Saturday, June 23, 2012

Super busy

When I start getting into the grove of writing and such I forget that I have this lovely blog that I actually do love. So sorry for taking so long to update you on the happenings! Bad Jean! lol
Anyway, my WriCha challenge has been submitted to Zoe. I'm excited for this to be viewed and to get your opinion on it. It's completely different from anything else I've written and was really fun to do.
Zombie War 2: Little Apocalypse on the Prairie is in the final stages of completion. Whew! I'm working on the last chapter and then have edits, a synopsis and publication. The goal is to have it available to you by my birthday, July 16. After that I'm free to concentrate solely on Created. I really want to get this book out this year! I've been a little intimidated by the length and details, but I know it's my best book so far and you're absolutely going to LOVE it!!! Victoria's story is so dark and interesting. I've been rooting for her so much, but things keep happening to her that are way out of my control. I love writing.
Another awesome thing I've been working on is my website. I officially have a website!
Check it out if you have a minute. I'm very excited about it and will spend some time in the next six months trying to figure out how to make it a bit more interactive. I want to put a page up for those of you who are obsessing on who should play certain characters in the movie (should Origins ever be picked up as a movie). I also want to put a comment page up so readers can see what other readers are saying about the books. As of right now though, I like the website and think you will too. I'm crazy excited to have my very own website and feel like a total dork because of that. :)
Anyway, I should get back to the wonderful world of Zombies now. Take care and happy reading!

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